Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9 - 9 January 2012


It's the end of a very hot day. It is still stinking hot. I don't have air-conditioning in my house. Sometimes air-conditioning gains a big jump in the priority list of home improvements! It's 7.30pm and still 34 degrees (93F), and muggy with humidity. I was expecting a storm this afternoon, since it was such a hot day, but it didn't come. We'll either have a storm overnight, or it will build into a whopper of a storm for tomorrow afternoon.

Enough of my whingeing about the heat (I truly am a wuss when it comes to the heat, I melt). Now to today's photo. As I said, it was hot. I am on holidays. We were in the pool all morning and all afternoon. The best place to be when the temperature soars.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?


1 comment:

  1. I'm with you - I am a wuss about heat and especially humidity! When we left Vegas they had 30% humidity - I've never experienced dryness like that! It was a real shocker to step off the plane at home into 95% humidity! Blah!
