Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm back, hopefully! 2 August 2012 - lemon


I have been so busy and found myself unable to keep up with the daily photos on the blog! I have been taking photos all year (except for a few days off over the last couple of weeks), but I'm not sure if I'll get them loaded up here.

Here in Brisbane, it is the last month of Winter. Traditionally about now, the freezing cold westerly winds arrive, just in time for "The Ekka" (the Brisbane Show). Today, I am sitting here in a t-shirt and long shorts enjoying what is essentially a beautiful spring day.  My lemon trees think it is spring also.

While the last winter lemon hangs on the bush...
The rest of the bush has flowers bursting forth all over...

Excuse the ants and the scale, I just gave the citrus a good dose of white oil last week-end, so they'll be pretty again in a week or two. :-)

I love this time of year!


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