Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 32 - 1 February 2012


Day 32 was one of those days. Up at 6am. We left home at 7.15am on the school run. I went to work and had a challenging day. I ran late to collect my eldest daughter from swim squad, but found that she was having some extra training, which went to 5.30pm. I then whizzed her home, dropped her to the hubby at 6pm, and turned around to return to school for the parent information evening. I got home around 9pm. I was totally exhausted and I still had to finish off a card that was due for my DT duties at For Your Inspiration (which I have no idea why I hadn't finished already, I started it over a week ago!).  So the ONE photo I took on this day was of my card, at night. I'll share it here anyway, LOL!
I'm getting better at editing my photos, you can barely tell this was taken with no natural light.


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